
Sunday, June 19, 2011

rise and shine…

it’s fruits and veggies from the farmers market time!

callie woke up at 6am on saturday, so we let the boys sleep in while she and I headed out for some early bird shopping. first stop was the abilene farmers market. we’d been a few weeks ago, but it was a little too early in the season and we were a little too late arriving, so the selection was pretty much…onions…and I’m not a fan.

just a few weeks later, there were more vendors and a much better selection. beautiful summer squash, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, eggplant, more onions, eggs and the most fragrant cantaloupes ever. we gathered up a little bit of this and a little bit of that, which also included some homemade oatmeal soap.

next stop was a two hour tour at the HEB, where we bought gulf shrimp and pasta (among many other things) to make a delicious primavera with our farmers market veggies for daddy’s special day.

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we’re going to dallas this weekend, so I’m hoping someone will be up early enough (besides callie) to shop their farmers market with us. in all my years of living in the metro, I’ve never been. and I’m not-so-secretly hoping their selection of berries (my fav!) will be a little more robust.

check or to find real food and real farmers in your area.


erica copy

Monday, June 13, 2011

100 ways in 100 days…

it’s hard to believe I kicked off our family eco-journey just 100 days ago. here are just a few (ha!) random learning's and experiences, and adjustments we’ve made in our mind, body and home to be a little more healthy and environmentally friendly.

  1. watched food inc
  2. watched food matters
  3. gave up paper towels
  4. became a people towels ambassador
  5. switched to biodegradable trash bags
  6. learned about potential hazards of BPA in bottles, cans, plastics, etc
  7. recycled our non-BPA free bottles
  8. bought a kitchen composter
  9. gave up paper plates
  10. bought a stainless steel thermos
  11. reduce use of non-stick cookware
  12. making tea on stove versus microwave
  13. reduce use of plastics in general
  14. switched to natural cleaning products, I heart method products
  15. removed all toxic chemical cleaners in kitchen
  16. separate our glass, plastics and paper for recycle center
  17. changed to recycled toilet paper
  18. switched to natural ecover dish detergent
  19. switched to natural ecos laundry soap
  20. dr bronner’s castile soap is multi-purpose awesomeness
  21. borax in also great in kitchen, laundry and bathrooms
  22. removed all antibacterial soaps with triclosan
  23. cancelled our terminix contract
  24. killed weeds with boiling water
  25. killed weeds with vinegar solution
  26. started a Facebook page for a heart of green
  27. use hand dryers in public bathrooms
  28. hosted our first organic family picnic
  29. tried natural hardwood charcoal for our grill. didn’t work all that well, but we tried.
  30. joined moms on a mission for healthy child, healthy world
  31. hosted table at Abilene baby expo
  32. made Easter eggs with all natural dyes
  33. made a donation (and received a cute t-shirt) to support food democracy now
  34. subscribed to KIWI magazine
  35. subscribed to whole living magazine
  36. became a regular at our new natural grocers
  37. WON an autographed copy of oceana by ted danson
  38. tried to coordinate a local event with perennial plate
  39. joined moms meet ambassador program
  40. signed petition to support Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution
  41. contacted senator cornyn and hutchison about food safety legislation
  42. contacted senator cornyn and hutchison about GM food labeling
  43. contacted senator cornyn and hutchison about clean water legislation
  44. contacted senator cornyn and hutchison about safer chemical legislation
  45. participated as a twitter party panelist for healthy child, healthy world
  46. attended “how to be an environmental hero” webinar by marcal
  47. take reusable bags to the grocery store
  48. omit produce bags at the grocery store
  49. take reusable bags to the mall
  50. inquired about our local CSA Grapevine Farms
  51. drinking 2x more black and green tea after quitting diet dr pepper
  52. switched to organic unfiltered apple juice for DB
  53. switched to earth’s best organic formula for CJ
  54. switched to organic vitamins for DB
  55. switched to sea salt
  56. learned difference between butter and margarine
  57. switched to pasture-raised, ethical and organic eggs from austin’s vital farms
  58. bought our first grass fed beef from burgundy farms
  59. consider the EWG’s clean 15 and dirty dozen when buying produce
  60. buying more fresh, frozen or glass packaged veggies, avoid canned veggies (BPA)
  61. trying to eat less meat
  62. except for that delicious 4 pound grass fed beef slab tenderloin over memorial weekend…OMG!
  63. I heart spinach and pasta pie
  64. I heart dark chocolate covered goji berries
  65. I heart succotash and goat cheese quiche
  66. I heart larabars
  67. I heart immaculate baking cinnamon rolls
  68. I heart honest tea
  69. I heart my local pecan honey butter
  70. I heart origins skin care and makeup
  71. avoiding artificial dyes, flavorings and sweeteners
  72. bought dad grass-fed steaks as a birthday gift
  73. discovered the ancient super-grain quinoa
  74. visited revival market in houston
  75. visited farmers market in abilene
  76. gifted a bread maker to make our own, thanks sister!
  77. recycled old cosmetic bottles and jars at origins
  78. switched CJ to cloth gDiapers
  79. line dry the cloth diaper liners for sun’s natural anti-bacterial properties
  80. switched CJ to burt’s bees diaper cream
  81. switched kiddos to Johnson’s natural baby products
  82. switched to aluminum and paraben free deodorant
  83. switched CJ to little remedies dye-free medicines
  84. bought CJ water-based, non-toxic piggy paint nail polish
  85. bought safer sunscreen with EWG sunscreen report
  86. indefinitely postponed my hair coloring appointment, considering a natural henna solution
  87. politely declined air freshener/chemical fragrance at the car wash
  88. learned about food labeling (fair trade, rainforest alliance, marine stewardship, etc)
  89. tried to grow my own organic basil, but it lacked in organic watering ;)
  90. turn up the thermostat and rely on ceiling fans while home working
  91. read animal, vegetable, miracle -- all about eating seasonal and local
  92. learned pop tarts (among many other products) are made different in the US versus UK because of food safety laws. sad.
  93. dvr-ed the “green” episode of yo gabba gabba for DB to learn about caring for the planet
  94. started turning my computer and printer off every night
  95. discovered most clothes labeled "dry clean" can be hand-washed or put in the gentle cycle
  96. use (a B Corporation™) to compare health, social and environmental performance of various products
  97. watering our yard longer but less frequently, to encourage healthier grass and less weeds. jury’s still out
  98. following for environmental news with a wry twist. definitely a need for humor amidst the doom and gloom of chemicals, cancer and climate change
  99. reducing toxic load and keeping chemicals out of the air, water and soil with every organic purchase

and finally…

   100. joined a hippie cult

HA! not really, but josh really does keep saying our friends and family might think otherwise since our move to abilene. we’ve undergone some pretty dramatic changes in our habits and priorities in 100 days. but, this is definitely a journey which we will gladly continue for our family, children and THEIR future.


please, please, please feel free to share your going green ideas!!

erica copy

Sunday, June 12, 2011

you say potato…

…I say we nip these poisons in the bud.

great job elise, thanks for sharing!!


Follow any of these organizations, to get involved or find more info.


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